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Wayne Dyer Transitions

I got a message from a dear friend informing me that Wayne Dyer passed away last night.

Part of me is still in dismay over this, as I attended his writing workshop in Maui just a few short months ago. It was my first time seeing Wayne Dyer in person. He was vibrant, funny, opinionated and full of purpose. If there was a hint that his health was in decline, it certainly eluded me – if anything, he was ever-continuing on his path of expansion…

My Experience with Wayne…

I first got exposed to the writings of Wayne Dyer when I was still teaching in Calgary. A student of mine recommended I check out “Excuses Begone”, where Wayne skillfully broke down the various things we do to sabotage our potential. Curious, I picked up a copy (maybe at Costco?) and was hooked. A great writer, Wayne had a deft hand in blending practical ideas with energetic concepts. From there, I started working my way through the Dyer section at the public library – and felt a kinship.

A short time after that, I went through the biggest challenge of my life. The day after coming home from vacation, everything was literally turned upside down as ownership in my studio was taken. Imagine 3+ years of loving work ripped away. Thus ensued legal battles, a shattering of community, loneliness and betrayal.

In my dark times, I always turn to learning – and from there, my Dyer reading kicked into overdrive.

I sincerely feel that if it wasn’t for Wayne Dyer’s writings, I would not have had the mindset to move swiftly from that period of darkness. Every time I dove into one of his books for insight, I emerged with a heightened sense of resolve and clarity of what to do next. In the end, the legal battle was won, the moral victory secured, and I emerged knowing that I was more capable than ever. But the greater blessings sown during that time were private classes, reconnecting with old studios and students, the creation of the mighty One More Breath community class, retreats to Hawaii, taking over the Yoga Lounge, and most of all – the beginning of my first daughter, Clara.

Looking back on it all, from the tremendous life that I enjoy today – raising my family in the mountains, winding through the trails high above town, assisting an incredible yoga community – I owe such a huge thanks to Wayne Dyer’s writings. Were great things manifested? Absolutely. Thank you so much Wayne for showing me how.

May you continue your expansion in new and wonderful ways.

“We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience – not the other way around.”
– Wayne Dyer

For those of you who are relatively new to Wayne Dyer’s works, here are some of his books that I particularly enjoyed, which span the arc of his career:

Your Erroneous Zones: Wayne’s first book, and one of his most literal and practical in dealing with many of our problem spots in our lives. The chapters on guilt, worry and forgiveness are particularly helpful.

The Power of Intention: written during his separation from his wife, Power of Intention is a classic on how one’s thoughts shape our lives.

I Can See Clearly Now: Wayne’s most recent book, which is an intimate memoir. Looking back through the various key-points of his life, he sees the greater meanings behind the tragedies, epiphanies and successes.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Thank you for sharing your personal story with this great teacher Jeff. Wayne Dyer truly was any inspiration to so many, transcending people’s foundational beliefs, offering practical and spiritual wisdom. May we all pick up the baton in our own lives to make the world a more loving place.

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