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Our Most Important Decision

Late last night, I saw an article on how the Conservative government plans to sell off all of CBC’s production facilities. In essence, destroying the CBC’s ability to create programming. It’s akin to smashing an artist’s canvasses or snapping a kid’s hockey stick.

Given the track record of what this country has endured under our cruel, myopic manager it doesn’t surprise me.

However – it does galvanize within me the critical state of our most important decision: who to vote for.

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Wayne Dyer Transitions

I got a message from a dear friend informing me that Wayne Dyer passed away last night.

Part of me is still in dismay over this, as I attended his writing workshop in Maui just a few short months ago. It was my first time seeing Wayne Dyer in person. He was vibrant, funny, opinionated and full of purpose. If there was a hint that his health was in decline, it certainly eluded me – if anything, he was ever-continuing on his path of expansion…

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